Saturday, July 7, 2012

Meet the Author- Jennifer Labelle

Meet the SCP Author Jennifer Labelle.
It's time to find out more about some of your favorite SCP authors

Growing up-

Favorite games (board games and outdoor activity) 
Jennifer: Board games? I guess I'd have to say checkers, but I much preferred to play cards, crazy eights, war, go fish, A$$hole and a few others. My favorite outdoor activity? Swimming, although I'm not very good at it.

Family pets 
Jennifer: Yep, a dog named max and a cat named Friskie.

Favorite holiday memory 
Jennifer: That would be the year my mother made her first attempt at she didn't like it so she never made it until one year back in 1991 a good friend of hers, Cheryl joined us for thanksgiving and persuaded her too. It didn't turn out so great so Cheryl ended up taking over, and making it herself. My mother was a pretty great cook so it was comical to see her attempt such an easy thing unsuccessfully. It's also one of the last thanksgivings I had with her, as she died two years later.

When you grew up, you wanted to be 
Jennifer: A FASHION DESIGNER. Why? I was obsessed with clothes back then. So much so, for birthday's, christmas' etc... I asked for clothes over toys. I've changed so much since

Favorite music group while a teenager 
Jennifer: Oh Geez, do I only get to pick one? Okay then, Metallica, I guess.


(Think of the TV commercial for Klondike ice cream bars) I would do anything for/to ____________. 
Jennifer: Sorry, I'm not sure how to answer this one. I haven't seen a Klondike commercial in awhile.

Candy bar that best describes me. Why?
Jennifer: I'd love to say sweet and bubbly like an Aero bar, but bubbly I am Sweet however... *grins* Um, I'm not sure but I'm open to suggestions.

Your idea of romance
Jennifer: Flowers from the hubby is about as good as it gets for me, unfortunately. But, then again with three small children there isn't a lot of time to be romantic.

An embarrassing moment that happened to you written in a newspaper headline.
Jennifer: Hell, I've had a ton of embarrassing moments in life, too many to count, but thankfully it's never been newspaper worthy...LMAO

If I wasn't an author, I would be a/an____________. 
Jennifer: I still be a full time mother, an addictions worker, a bank specialist, collector, tax preparer, an artist, photographer or anything else I was before, or ever dreamed of being. I'm a firm believer of not giving up if I want something bad enough, and have had to fight hard to be were I'm at today.

Thanks for having me.



  1. Nice post, Jennifer. Great to get to know you better!!

  2. Very nice post. It's great to get to know the authors!!!!

  3. Great interview! Nice to see you featured and great to know more about you :) Good luck with the books!

  4. It's always nice to get to know the author behind the awesome books:)

  5. It was nice to learn a little bit about you Jennifer :)


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